
ATMO-ACCESS gathers together 38 scientific institutions from 19 European countries of the atmospheric research infrastructures ACTRISICOS and IAGOS, targeting to address the needs for developing sustainable solutions based on the principles of open access and to develop guidelines and recommendations for governance, management and funding for efficient and effective access provision suited to distributed atmospheric RIs.

ATMO-ACCESS provides opportunities for accessing 43 operational European atmospheric research facilities in Europe, including ground-based observation stations, simulation chambers, but also mobile facilities and central laboratories that are fundamental elements in distributed RIs.

Prof. N. Mihalopoulos, the Director of IERSD, is the PI on behalf of the National Observatory of Athens, and the observational facilities of APCG will be part of the cluster AThens MOnitoring Supersite (ATMOS).

During the kick off, the APCG member Dr. Eleni Athanasopoulou will deliver a talk on “User perspective and needs for access to information and data for air quality”.

For additional information you can follow the link