On Wednesday, February 21, at CAFÉ IANOS, an event on "Climate change in a world in crisis" was held with Dr. Evangelos Gerasopoulos, Director of the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, as keynote speaker.

The discussion focused on understanding what climate change and its unprecedented impacts mean for all of us, both on the planet and at the local level. What is expected to happen in the coming years in terms of heat waves, floods, fires and other extreme weather events.

At the same time, questions such as: "How can we develop smart societies and cities that are resilient to climate change?" and "How can we move towards new models of sustainable development?", along with useful tips on what we can easily implement in our daily lives.

The event was part of the new cycle of open meetings of the international partnership Navarino Environmental Observatory (NEO), aimed at research and education on climate change and the environment in the Eastern Mediterranean.

See the discusion here