
Following the judging of the 2nd DestinE Platform Innovation Prize – Ideating the Impact of the DestinE Platform carried out by representatives from EUMETSAT, ESA and ECMWF, our proposal DT-HEAT+ has received the Most Promising Proposal award!

This accomplishment signals an important point of our research on achieving urban resistance to excessive heat. We sincerely appreciate the judges of the DestinE Service Platform supporting our endeavor.

APCG team, as a member of the consortium of CARMINE project, is proud of the hard work and creativity, that has been ignited and led by our colleague Dr. Ifigenia Keramitsoglou (IAASARS/NOA), and this recognition motivates us to work even more closely with the European Space Agency - ESA, Copernicus ECMWF and EUMETSAT to push further and reach new heights for this Digital Twin!

Stay tuned for the DestinE event with more announcements and presentations!