Research Fellow (IERSD/NOA), M.Sc.

Economic and Regional Development

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Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, I. Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou, P. Penteli (Lofos Koufou), 15236 Athens, Greece


Born in Athens, Greece, in 1982. Holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (University of Piraeus, 2007) and two M.Sc. degrees. The first, in Economic and Regional Development, was awarded in 2013 from Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences with a thesis in the field of Spatial Socioeconomic Analysis titled “Spatial pattern analysis of Public Health Expenditure in Greece using Geographical Information Systems (GIS)”. The second M.Sc., in Education Sciences, was awarded in 2017 from School of Pedagogical and Technological Education with a thesis in the field of Discourse Analysis titled “Ideological burden investigation in Social Sciences School Textbooks: The “Principles of Economic Theory” textbook”. He has worked for the National Bank of Greece SA and for the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 under the Ministry of Economy and Development. He has recently joined the Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development (NOA), where he currently manages group projects and is involved in incorporating a socioeconomic perspective in the research conducted.

Research Interests:

Socioeconomic Analysis, Spatial Analysis, GIS, Sustainable Development, Health, Education, Discourse Analysis, Interdisciplinary Research

Link to full CV