Research Fellow (IERSD/NOA), Ph.D. candidate


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Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, I. Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou, P. Penteli (Lofos Koufou), 15236 Athens, Greece


Born in Arta, Greece, in 1981. Holds a Bachelor Degree in Physics (University of Crete, 2010), a M.Sc. degree in Environmental Science and Engineering (Department of Chemistry, UoC, 2013) and is a PhD candidate at the Chemistry Department of the University of Crete. Skilled in aerosol chemical and physical properties measurements, utilizing state of the art in situ techniques. During his M.Sc. studies initially, and as a research fellow later, Iasonas has been specialized in aerosol properties’ on-line measurements at the Finokalia atmospheric monitoring station of the University of Crete. Worked as a Research Assistant at The Cyprus Institute (Energy, Environment and Water research Centre) during 2016-2018 in the field of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics, as a station manager of the Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory. Moved to the Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development at NOA in June 2018. He is involved in the atmospheric monitoring activities at the Thissio supersite, in mobile measurements of key atmospheric pollutants and in designing and implementing atmospheric monitoring networks based on low-cost technology.

Research Interests:

Real time aerosol chemical composition using online mass spectrometry, Source apportionment of organic aerosol utilizing receptor modeling techniques, Fine aerosol size distribution, nucleation and New Particle Formation, Absorption and scattering of light by airborne particles, Design and implementation of low-cost atmospheric monitoring networks, along with the development of calibration schemes for low-cost sensors

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